Tuesday, 20 January 2015

Pregnancy with a toddler

If your pregnancies are anything similar to mine then pregnancy is not as beautiful and blissful as they often say. It's a beautiful thing growing a little someone inside you. But, the path to holding that amazing person in your arms is not a walk in the park for women like me. Fatigue, nausea, lots of weight gain, name it.

My first pregnancy was overwhelming. You would think that with a planned pregnancy and advise from left, right and center you are good to go. Huh! Everything took me by surprise. From the early symptoms to the body changes and then the whole birth experience.

Now on my second pregnancy. I thought, if I survived the first one when I was clueless about what was coming which I think was one reason why it hit me hard, I should be able to go through number two with much more ease. Wrong! It's a whole new experience baking that bun while parenting a toddler especially if you already don't have a very smooth pregnancy. Forget the first pregnancy bliss where you get to take lazy naps, stay in bed as long as you want, put your legs up etc, No room for all that when you have a cute little monster flying over your growing bump, climbing tables, windows and walls. Yes, he climbs walls.

Half way through pregnancy with my second born and a toddler, I have learnt a few ways to handle the experience or at least a few tips to keep me from going crazy.

I have learnt to pace myself and slow down a bit. Take every day as it comes and some time off to just do nothing. I mean nothing at all. I have lowered my standards. My once spotless kitchen could get a full wipe only after dinner is done. Don't judge me.

I use any help I can get. I usually feel more comfortable doing things my way,myself. But in this case, I  take up any offer to take out my toddler for a walk, to the park or to just watch him for a while with no hesitation. In between potty training, running around and kicks from the growing fetus, any time no matter how short to just be alone and recuperate is great.

Engage your toddler in activities that don't need much of your attention or energy even if that's a hard one with my very interactive son. He wants some tight cuddles every other minute. Sometimes instead of playing the never ending hide and seek, we just sit and watch cartoons, color or I watch him empty and refill toys from his toy basket.

I am exhausted most of the time and my moods are all over the place. On the bright side, with a toddler demanding this and that, watching him go through all these interesting milestones, the pregnancy seems to be moving a little faster this time round. The long naps my son used to take now seem to be shorter even if it's the same time frame. Of course it's because those few hours of tranquility are much more treasured now.

My son is already giving the unborn baby kisses everyday. Adorable! I'm really looking forward to him having a sibling. The sleepless nights, not so much.
Off to enjoy the so called blissful trimester ☺.